Richard Poynder
Richard Poynder - Freelance Journalist

Essays on Open Access

The Open Access (OA) Movement seeks to ensure the immediate, free and unrestricted online access to digital scholarly material, notably research articles published in refereed journals. The essays below on Open Access, and the Open Access Movement, were written by journalist Richard Poynder.

These essays are published on the blog Open and Shut? In some cases, the full-text is available as a downloadable PDF file. They have been published under a Creative Commons licence. This licence permits you to copy and distribute the interviews as you wish, so long as you credit Richard Poynder as the author, do not alter or transform the text, and do not use the interviews for any commercial purpose.

The essays:

More essays will follow. Please note that while these works are made freely available to all, they are written by a freelance journalist who makes his living from writing. To assist him to continue making work available in this way you are invited to make a voluntary contribution. The suggested figure is $10 per essay, but feel free to contribute as you think appropriate. This can be done quite simply by sending a payment via PayPal quoting the email address It is not necessary to have a PayPal account to make a payment.

If you point anyone else to the essays please consider directing them to this page, rather than directly to the PDF files themselves. If you would like to republish any of the interviews on a commercial basis, or have any comments on them, please email the author at

About Richard Poynder
Blog: Open and Shut?
arrow The State of Open Access
The Basement Interviews
Open Access Interviews
Essays on Open Access
Blogs, News & More:
Interview 1: Richard Poynder
Interview 2: Richard Poynder
Interview 3: Richard Poynder
Digital Koans
LSE Impact Blog
Heather Morrison
The Scholarly Kitchen
Open Access India
PLoS Blogs
SPARC Europe
IP Watchdog
Creative Commons License
Open & Shut? by Richard Poynder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available here


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